原文: slices-dense_shape-attribute/
TensorFlow 是谷歌设计的开源 Python 库,用于开发机器学习模型和深度学习神经网络。
语法:张量流。IndexedSlices .密集形状
例 1:
蟒蛇 3
# Importing the library
import tensorflow as tf
# Initializing the input
data = tf.constant([1, 2, 3])
# Printing the input
print('data: ', data)
# Calculating result
res = tf.IndexedSlices(data, [0], 2)
# Finding dense shape
dense = res.dense_shape
# Printing the result
print('dense shape: ', dense)
data: tf.Tensor([1 2 3], shape=(3, ), dtype=int32)
dense shape: 2
例 2:
蟒蛇 3
# Importing the library
import tensorflow as tf
# Initializing the input
data = tf.constant([1, 2, 3])
# Printing the input
print('data: ', data)
# Calculating result
res = tf.IndexedSlices(data, [0])
# Finding dense shape
dense = res.dense_shape
# Printing the result
print('dense shape: ', dense)
data: tf.Tensor([1 2 3], shape=(3, ), dtype=int32)
dense shape: None