原文: spec-device_index-attribute/
TensorFlow 是谷歌设计的开源 Python 库,用于开发机器学习模型和深度学习神经网络。
device_index 用于获取 DeviceSpec 的设备索引。
例 1:
蟒蛇 3
# Importing the library
import tensorflow as tf
# Initializing Device Specification
device_spec = tf.DeviceSpec(job ="gfg", device_type ="CPU", device_index = 0)
# Printing the DeviceSpec object
print('Device Spec: ', device_spec)
# Getting device index
device_index = device_spec.device_index
# Printing the result
print('Device Index: ', device_index)
Device Spec: <tensorflow.python.framework.device_spec.DeviceSpecV2 object at 0x7fe5ba96aee8>
Device Index: 0
例 2:
蟒蛇 3
# Importing the library
import tensorflow as tf
# Initializing Device Specification
device_spec = tf.DeviceSpec(job ="gfg", device_type ="CPU", device_index = 1)
# Printing the DeviceSpec object
print('Device Spec: ', device_spec)
# Getting device index
device_index = device_spec.device_index
# Printing the result
print('Device Index: ', device_index)
Device Spec: <tensorflow.python.framework.device_spec.DeviceSpecV2 object at 0x7fe5ba97f048>
Device Index: 1